1. Login/Signup on https://app.easyauth.io with your account details

  2. Click on "Memberships" option on the left menu

  3. Copy and paste your unique account code to the header of your website

  4. Scroll down and enter basic information of your website

  5. Under the Pages section of your website

    1. Enter the domains and subdomains where EasyAuth will be used. This allows us to restrict and protect all login requests to your authorized domains.

    2. Enter the membership area or particular pages that registered members are allowed

    3. Enter the page where your users are taken to after signing up to your website. Eg. Member dashboard.

    4. Enter the page where your users are taken to after logging in (returning members). Eg. Member dashboard.

    5. Enter the page where your users are taken to after signing out. Eg. a signup page or your website homepage.

You are ready to start accepting users!

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